
Influencer, Wellness Guru, or Predator? Kat Torres’ Dark Secret Revealed

To begin, let us ask: What does the term “influencer” mean?

To find the solution, we will need to consult and ask our dictionaries and definition of influencer is as follows:

“Someone who influences or changes the way other people behave.”

“A person who is able to generate interest in something (such as a consumer product) by posting about it on social media.”

Which answer do you have?

These days, influencers could be anyone. Literally anyone.

But I’m really at a loss for words after reading and researching the other day about Leonardo DiCaprio Partygoer Kat Torres Instagram influencers and needless to say I wasn’t surprised that another influencer is jailed.

“An Instagram influencer has been jailed for slavery and trafficking”

Influencer Kat Torres received an eight-year prison sentence after a jury found her guilty of enslaving one woman and trafficking in people.

We also confirmed that she was facing charges related to another woman.

Kat Torres: Who is she?

The last few days have seen a surge in the popularity of Kat Torres, a former Brazilian model who dazzled on magazine covers, hung out with A-list celebrities, and even went out to parties with Leonardo DiCaprio.

Before moving to America to achieve her goal, she lived in poverty. She made almost the same amount of money from writing her story.

Despite having millions of fans, celebrity adoration, and abundant wealth, her dark secret was now public knowledge.

So, let’s move in order.

According to the BBC, two years ago, in September, two young girls from Brazil vanished. Their relatives and the FBI launched a desperate search based on the one clue they had: they lived with wellness influencer Kat Torres.

The girl, Ana, who was also her victim and played a crucial role in the court proceedings, narrated the entire tale.

False promises

Ana discovered Torres on Instagram in 2017 and said she was fascinated by Torres’ challenging path from a destitute Brazilian girl to partying with Hollywood celebs.

“She kind of gave me hope.” She looked to have overcome childhood assault, abuse, and other terrible experiences.

She then appeared on magazine covers and partied with celebrities such as Leonardo DiCaprio. “Everything I saw seemed believable,” said Ana, who also had a traumatic background and relationships, so she identified with Torres and desired change.

Biography: “A Voz (The Voice)”

In her new biography, “A Voz (The Voice),” Torres asserted that her spiritual talent enabled her to foretell events, and her attitude towards spirituality also won over and inspired Ana.

Ana had no idea at the time that Torres was telling a story full of half-truths and lies.

Torres’ old roommate, Luzer Twersky, admitted that her Hollywood friends introduced her to the hallucinogenic substance, and Torres hasn’t been the same since. “That’s when she kind of started going off the deep end,” he said.

He also stated that he suspected she was making money as a “sugar baby” through romantic encounters with wealthy and influential men who paid for the place she lived.

“The love, money, and self-esteem you’ve always wanted,” Torres offered on her health website, where she released videos with advice on relationships, wellness, business success, and spirituality, including hypnosis, meditation, and exercise regimens.

Clients could also pay $150 for special one-on-one video chats with the influencer, which she said would fix any of their concerns.

Um, I keep seeing these offers—immediate fixes for life and business—while researching for my podcast.

In addition to Ana, Amanda was another girl who found hope in Torres. “All my doubts, my questions, my decisions—I always took them to her first, so that we could make decisions together,” she claims.

Ana consented when Torres invited her to relocate to New York in 2019 so she could work as her live-in assistant.

Consider how much of a dream it was for Anna at the time.

She says she accepted the offer to take care of Torres’ animals and handle her cooking, cleaning, and laundry in exchange for around $2000 per month. She had been studying nutrition at a university in Boston, but she made arrangements to study online instead.

However, there appears to be a darker side to the story. Ana, Amanda, and other ex-followers claim that they were willing to obey Torres’ instructions, and that they noticed a growing psychological distance between themselves and their friends and family.

Ana quickly realized the stark contrast between Torres’s real life and his ideal Instagram life.

Ana recalled that the house didn’t smell nice, and it was very messy and dirty. She also said that it seemed to her that Torres was unable to perform even simple tasks without her, like taking a shower, since she couldn’t stand to be alone.

Ana could only sleep for a few hours at a time, and then only on a cat-pee-covered sofa, so she could always be there for Torres.

“I can see now that she treated me like a slave. Ana stated, “I was probably among her initial victims of human trafficking,” noting that Torres never paid her.

She attempted to confront Torres because she was unable to return her housing in Boston, where she was a student, and she lacked funds for another place to live.

But as the influencer turned hostile, Ana quickly moved in with her boyfriend and fled Torres.

Workforce coercion and sexual abuse

Ana knew she had to act when she heard that two young Brazilian girls had vanished.

At least three other women have declined to cooperate because they are still traumatized by their experiences, despite the fact that her testimony is extremely helpful to the investigation and legal process.

Torres convinced one lady to work with her, teaching tarot and yoga classes, on the grounds that she was suicidal and needed her aid.

However, both women soon discovered that there was no fairy tale waiting for them, so Torres sent one of the women a plane ticket from Germany. This was the encounter with life they had dreamed of.

One of the girls, Desirre, wanted to leave, but Torres cursed her and made her repay all of the money she had spent on her.

She was afraid and decided to work as a stripper because she thought Torres had supernatural abilities.

Serious house rules applied to the influencer’s girls: they couldn’t speak to each other, Torres only allowed them to leave the room to use the restroom, and she had to immediately seize anything the girls earned.

Torres raised the daily payout threshold for girls from $1,000 to $3,000. If a female didn’t meet that quota during the day, she couldn’t stay at the residence that evening.

Torres requested Desirre quit working at the strip club and become a prostitute, and when she refused, Torres threatened her.

“I was troubled by numerous questions. If my condom breaks, will I contract a disease? Can the client act like an undercover police officer and arrest me? “What if he kills me?” the girl remembered.

Desirre and Leticia’s friends and relatives in Brazil initiated social media efforts in September to find them, as they got increasingly concerned after months of no contact.

When Ana saw the news, she knew Torres was behind it. Even though Ana informed the American police about the influencer, they did not believe her.

Following confirmation of suspicions regarding the girls’ sexual exploitation, Torres fled with the girls. However, they were unable to get away!

Torres’ discovery led to the safe return of the two girls to Brazil.

Over 20 women reported Torres, and in an interview with the BBC, she asserted her innocence.

Her attorney is currently preparing an appeal of the ruling, which stipulates that the influencer should spend eight years in prison.

The girls who have spoken out about Toress are hoping that the public will recognize and condemn this as a grave offense.

An influencer needs to be someone who will set an example for others, particularly the youth, by modelling appropriate behaviour and teaching them the true meaning of education, respect, and honesty.

Regrettably, there are more instances of this type.

I’ll let you make your own judgements.

This post was written by Mario Bekes