Our Training
Our training is designed for anyone who is required to conduct an investigation or take part in the investigation process and has been developed to cover the range of investigation skills.
Our aim is to provide participants with the skills required to identify, investigate and act on issues and incidents, accidents, fraud and theft of corporate intellectual property, industrial espionage and more.
The training offered by the Institute is unique, not only because of the materials we provide, and our collective experience and knowledge. We also understand that white and blue-collar crime, corporate and insurance fraud not only causesmonetary losses, but also damages corporate and individual reputations.
To prevent fraud you must understand the types of perpetrators committing fraud. Hence combining scientific and academic approaches will assist you to learn and develop your skills in investigations, interviewing and evidence collection.
These concepts can be applied to all investigative environments. The skills gained can be deployed effectively across a wide range of occupations in the corporate environment, as well as in the government sector.
All training can be applied not only in Australia, but as well worldwide. This training originates from criminal investigations methods and application used world wide, but adopted and utilised in the corporate sector.
Our training combines theory with best practice, with an emphasis on practical learning.