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Russian Espionage Modus Operandi VS World

Author: Mario Bekes

For years, Russian secret services have placed agents in European nations, from where they conduct an unnoticed war against the West. They destroy, spy on, and murder dissidents while infiltrating IT firms. It has lasted much longer than the war in Ukraine and is a struggle for authority, influence, raw... View Article

CYBER STALKING – What is it and How to Prevent it

Author: Mario Bekes

Have you ever felt as though someone is watching you? Offline or online? That your every move has been monitored and perpetrators used your information on social media against you? It should go without saying that victims of cyber stalking can experience tremendous mental suffering and find their mental health... View Article

Leaders or Influencer?

Author: Mario Bekes

Waking up in the morning what is the first thing you do after opening your eyes? Some people make coffee, pray, start complaining about all the daily chores that await to be actioned. But for most people the first thing is? Grab that mobile and check what has happened while... View Article

Why the West losing war on Disinformation

Author: Mario Bekes

It is the Year 1989. If you follow the Chinese calendar, it was a year of the Snake. A year which would change the European and World political landscape forever and 30 years later, the East would clash with the West in Ukraine. Now imagine a wall. I mean a... View Article

Tactical not Strategic Thinking in Inflation

Author: Mario Bekes

Lets’ talk Inflation. And recession. Regardless of whether we want to admit it or not, things have been a little different in the past 6 months. That being said, I am not an economist nor working in finance, however, I will talk about something related to inflation, recession and how... View Article

European Gulag and Naked Island

Author: Mario Bekes

It is the year 1945 and the month of May. On the 8th of May 1945, Germany signed an unconditional surrender to the 4 powers (Russia, UK, USA, and France) and World War II in Europe officially ended. Needless to say, it took a few more months of bloody battles... View Article

Do you want save the planet?

Author: Mario Bekes

Modern society is facing something called “climate change or global warming”. There’s no doubt that the climate is changing and no doubt that global warming is real. What is unrealistic is that we still continue to drum the same thing over and over again and that is? Let’s reduce our... View Article

Cyber Security and the Human Response

Author: Mario Bekes

Before I start with this article I would like to ask, have you ever been the victim of hacking or unlawful accessing of your data? Has your business computer been hacked? Has someone stolen your intellectual property? The reality is we are living in the digital age, and it is... View Article

World Traveling and Covid; around the Globe in 21 Days

Author: Mario Bekes

Covid 19. The word that will live infamously forever and ever. As practice shows, one day soon, we will watch on Netflix, Stan or Prime Video some documentary about what really happened to the world in March 2020. I do remember that I was in the Middle East when I... View Article

Airports – an Emotions Killer

Author: Mario Bekes

Do you remember that moment when you waited for someone at the airport or travelled to wait for someone who you love so much? How did you feel in that moment? Good? Excited? Anxious? It goes without saying that sooner or later we will travel. Sometimes that choice will be... View Article