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Who is the most dangerous agent (spy) to the United States?

Author: Mario Bekes

Ana Montes, who are you? Ana Belen Montes, a former US military intelligence specialist convicted of espionage for Cuba more than 20 years ago, was released on January 6 from a federal prison in Fort Worth, Texas. The FBI caught Montes just ten days after the terrorist attacks in the... View Article

The Impossible Can Be Done

Author: Mario Bekes

I am extremely proud of achieving my first Guinness World Records, at the age of 50. A record that required good mental and physical health and included over 60 hours of no sleep, being surrounded by four walls, and having my throat and voice box in action nonstop for 55... View Article

When spy movies become true: Havana syndrome

Author: Mario Bekes

The genre of spy films has always been well-liked by viewers. They provide a glimpse into the world of espionage, with its covert activities, secret agents, and unspoken goals. But occasionally, actual events can be just as intriguing as those that are portrayed in spy movies. The enigmatic disease known... View Article

Education is essential for company success

Author: Mario Bekes

Investing in education is crucial for the growth of a company because it can unlock the potential of employees and improve business efficiency. Through education, businesses can gain access to new knowledge and skills, develop innovative strategies, and establish competitive advantages. Education can also foster a culture of constant improvement,... View Article

Non Violent Revolution – Modus Operandi

Author: Mario Bekes

Nonviolent revolutions have been tried throughout human history, but they haven’t always been successful in changing things for the better. That’s because of a combination of factors, the most significant of which is the lack of a unified front against the dictatorship’s oppressive policies. This public apathy is a contributing... View Article

What ecological terrorism is, how it works, and its four components

Author: Mario Bekes

Ecological terrorism is a major global threat, and its effects are far-reaching. It is a form of terrorism that focuses on activities that damage or destroy the environment, such as poaching, illegal logging, and illegal dumping. Ecological terrorists aim to inflict harm on ecosystems, animals, and people. They are driven... View Article

Misinformation vs. Disinformation: Differences

Author: Mario Bekes

The world of information is constantly changing and evolving, and it can be difficult to know what is true and what is not. This is especially true when it comes to the different types of information available on the internet, such as misinformation and disinformation. While both of these terms... View Article