Author: Mario Bekes
Companies that perform effective tactical and operational triage will be better placed during this crisis and beyond. From the dawn of humankind, mysterious diseases and illnesses have caused panic and havoc. Fear was often translated and elaborated in many different ways, such as through religion, gods and unjustified punishment. Fortunately, the human race... View Article
Author: Mario Bekes
With the rise and impact of eco-terrorism, industry needs to gather more intelligence to help it combat the threats. The Impact has reported how the FBI view eco-terrorism as the biggest domestic terror threat and the wide-ranging disruption caused by the Extinction Rebellion group is just one example of how... View Article
Author: Mario Bekes
The Australian bushfires and the Coronavirus outbreak are currently the talk of every media organisation in the world. Both events have led to demonstrations, challenges, heartache and massive financial losses. A number of people are questioning whether part of the impact has been as a result of eco-terrorists. The FBI... View Article
Author: Mario Bekes
Human Intelligence Applications and Methods Successful companies win the hearts and minds of customers, shareholders and public opinion. When success starts to fade, it is often down to a lack of competitive business intelligence or intelligence being used more effectively by competitors.There is a plethora of business information systems, with... View Article
Author: Mario Bekes
Human Intelligence Applications and MethodsH By Mario Bekes, Director Insight Intelligence Industrial espionage has been in the news again recently with various reports about Huwaei’s activities1. At a time when businesses are investing multiple millions of dollars in data protection systems, are they overlooking some of the most basic forms... View Article
Author: Mario Bekes
All Intelligence is information, not all information is intelligence (Lowenthal, 2000) Trash can be a valuable source of intelligence but how can it be of value and what are the dangers people and businesses need to watch out for? In this article, we look at how to structure the management... View Article
Author: Mario Bekes
Reputational risk, and how to mitigate it, is a frequent topic at the boardroom table. It is a risk which could affect anyone, particularly high profile corporations and government agencies. The impacts are wide ranging including financial loss, lost revenue, increased operating and regulatory costs and most importantly loss of... View Article
Author: Mario Bekes
In our current environment the key to survival for an organisation depends on their ability to see the bigger picture and this is particularly so for insurance companies and claims agencies. Claims are ongoing on a daily basis regardless if it is worker’s compensation, life insurance, public liability or third... View Article