
Words Have Power so choose your words wisely

Author: Mario Bekes

Introduction: Words hold immense power—capable of building bridges or burning them, depending on the emotions we infuse into them. They can be weaponized, creating a ripple effect of influence, inspiration, or destruction. In this article, we explore the profound impact of words on our thoughts, actions, and relationships. As leaders,... View Article

Alpha Male Myth or Reality: Understanding Male Menopause

Author: Mario Bekes

Introduction: During my recent sparring sessions at my boxing gym, I posed a question to my coach that I wasn’t sure how he would react to. My question was based on my observation that the number of men in the gym was steadily decreasing. It goes without saying that many... View Article

Real men don’t cry. Or Do They?

Author: Mario Bekes

Introduction: During my childhood and adolescence, my father instilled in me the belief that true men never cry, as it is a sign of weakness, through actions such as smashing chairs, belting me, and punching me. However, I was being told about manhood from an alpha male; at least my... View Article

How Your Social Media Posts Are Inviting Criminals into Your Home This Christmas

Author: Mario Bekes

Introduction The festive season, particularly the period surrounding Christmas, is a time of celebration and pleasure. Nevertheless, it also presents distinctive challenges in the context of crime, particularly those that are influenced by social media activities. Indeed, your social media activities serve as a beacon and a magnet for fraudsters,... View Article

Fear, Fraud, and Fortune: Navigating the Crypto Scam Minefield

Author: Mario Bekes

“Scams and fraud will only end when people decide it’s time to put a stop to them. Until then, education and raising awareness are our most powerful tools.” Introduction Americans lost $5.6 billion to cryptocurrency scammers last year, up 45% from 2022, according to the FBI’s Cryptocurrency Fraud Report 2023.... View Article

Deep State – Truth, myth, or conspiracy theories

Author: Mario Bekes

DEEP STATE I doubt that anyone hasn’t heard the term “Deep State” at least once. This term is particularly associated with Donald Trump’s victory in the most recent US elections. During our recent talk, a close friend of mine stated that, in her opinion, the “Deep State” and the “God... View Article

Who Could Be a Soviet KGB Agent?

Author: Mario Bekes

Introduction: Ever wonder what it takes to become an agent? A secret agent? Or spy? My story doesn’t revolve around Snow-White and the Seven Dwarves. During a coffee break with a colleague from my branch, a stunning woman approached me and respectfully inquired if I was Mario. I responded to... View Article